
Are you constantly rescuing stray cats? Learn what to feed them so that they remain healthy. Click here for more information.

How To Recognize When Something Is Really Wrong With Your Pet

24 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Humans that are in tune with their pets automatically know that something is wrong with their furry friends. If you are a first-time pet owner, or you wish you could be that in tune with your pet, you have to start with your pet's personality. When your pet does not seem him/herself, then you know that something is wrong. Here are some other telltale signs that will help you recognize when something is really wrong with your pet, and whether or not your pet is in need of services from an emergency pet clinic. Read More …

Is Your Dog Allergic To Bee Or Wasp Stings?

29 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Dogs are curious and playful, which is a joy to most of us. However, to a bee or wasp, your playful pup comes across as a threat. Should your dog threaten one, there is a chance they'll get stung. A bee or wasp sting is a dangerous, potentially deadly, situation for dogs that are allergic. Signs of an Allergic Reaction If your dog hasn't been stung before, you won't know if they're allergic and will need to keep a very close eye on them. Read More …

Feline Leukemia: A Guide For Cat Owners

27 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a cat, chances are good that you've heard of the disease feline leukemia, which is sometimes abbreviated FeLV. But how much do you really know about this condition? It's not a cancer like leukemia in humans. It's actually a contagious infection that your cat can catch from other infected cats. For that reason, it's important that you know the symptoms of this condition, how it is spread, and how to protect your feline companion. Read More …

Why You Should Initiate An Intervention If Your Dog Has A Drinking Problem

19 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If your dog has been bellying up to the water bowl more frequently than he used to, it is important to assess his overall health and to determine the cause of his increased thirst. Just like their human counterparts, dogs occasionally need to take in more water, such as during a summer heat wave or following a round of vigorous exercise. When the drinking habit becomes consistent and is unaccompanied by these obvious explanations, trouble may be brewing with your furry friend's health. Read More …

Puppy Love: 3 Reasons Why Your New Puppy Needs Professional Grooming

5 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

You love your new puppy and you want to do everything you can to keep it healthy. One way to help keep your puppy happy and healthy is to provide it proper grooming. You might think that grooming only takes care of their fur, but proper grooming entails so much more. Here are three important reasons why your puppy should be professionally groomed. Healthy Feet Your puppy's feet need the specialized care that only professional grooming can provide. Read More …